Any investor needs services for extracting a commercial register in the Emirates, and this service is provided by Tasyeir business Company in an easy way, and this comes as support from the United Arab Emirates for all foreign investors and those of Emirati nationality as well. The extraction procedures do not require a lot of time, nor do they require that The individual is located inside the Emirates, where he can complete the matter while outside the country.

Services for extracting a commercial register in the Emirates

In order to obtain services for obtaining a commercial register in the Emirates. You must go through a set of legal steps, in order to carry out any business correctly and properly, and these steps are as follows:

  • Go to the official Dubai Economy website.
  • The commercial registry service is accessed by clicking on the login button.
  • As well as, enter the email and password to access the user account on the website.
  • Following this, a commercial registration application is submitted.
  • The website data relating to the applicant’s company is placed. And then the parties participating in the company are registered on the platform.
  • Entering the company’s secondary activity and also the primary activity.
  • As well as, adding data for the founding parties of the company.
  • Choose the type of license that suits the activity being practiced by the company (immediate license, commercial license, and merchant license).
  • Provide all the details of all parties to the license.
  • Attach all required documents, provided they are signed by all parties.
  • Pay the cost of extracting the record in Dubai. Then extracting the record in Dubai and all the documents related to it.

What are the types of business licenses in Dubai?

The license is determined according to the type of activity, and there are 5 types of commercial licenses. And each license has a set of features, and the prices vary among them. And through the services of obtaining a commercial register in the Emirates via Tasyeir business. You can also obtain your appropriate license.

The types of licenses are as follows:

General commercial license

Its owner can practice several different commercial activities without restrictions, and it is suitable for many businesses.

A special business operating permit license

It is requested for companies wishing to obtain a lease contract and also operate within the free zone.

Organizing events

It is awarded to those working in the field of organizing large exhibitions, conferences, holding parties, and also organizing meetings.

Professional license

This license specifies the number of activities that are not permitted to be practiced otherwise. And it is also subject to local permits and licenses.

Commercial license

It allows the holder to practice specific commercial activities such as export, import, sale, distribution, etc., but if the investment is made in other areas. The individual must go to the activities classification section of the Department of Economic Development. In addition to ensuring that there is a specific and clear description of the activity practiced.

In all cases, the license is obtained according to the type of activity practiced. If it is professional, then the professional license is appropriate, and if the license contains several types. Then the largest activity is taken into account, and the industrial activity is considered the largest, followed by commercial and then professional.

It is also possible to combine these activities provided that there is harmony between them all. And the license is issued for the largest activity in this case.

How much does a commercial registration cost in Dubai?

The user needs to pay a number of fees when starting the services for extracting a commercial register in the Emirates. These fees come in a variety of ways, and payment is made at the beginning of the extraction, and then they are paid annually after that.

The costs are as follows:

  • The registration fee in the commercial registry is approximately 100 AED.
  • As well as, renewing the registration on an annual basis requires approximately 50 AED.
  • As for the request to obtain an extract from the registration page in the commercial registry. The applicant needs to pay 10 UAE dirhams for that.
  • Also, if the investor does not renew the register on an annual basis, he is subject to paying a fine. As if he does not pay, many problems occur that may lead to obstruction of work.
  • The fine amounts to 200 UAE dirhams, and if there is a significant delay, this value increases.

It is also possible that the employer will be exposed to some legal problems as well, so it is advisable to pay at the time determined by the competent authorities every year.

Why Tasyeir business company?

Services for obtaining a commercial register in the Emirates are among the things that no investor can do without, as investment cannot begin without them. And it is one of the forms of law enforcement, and this service is not difficult, so there are many companies that provide it, but the company is distinguished It manages this matter for several reasons, as it can provide it to the fullest extent and at very reasonable prices. It also follows all legal methods for extracting the record, and this makes the investor safe from any legal issue. It can also complete this work and any other work within a short period of time, which It allows the individual to start practicing his work without any delay. Tasyeir business also seeks to constantly develop its services.

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