The types and costs of residence visas in the Emirates are among the matters that concern many people, especially after the facilities provided by the government there to encourage Arab and non-Arab investors to implement projects on its land, but the conditions and procedures for each type of license differ, and Tasyeir business company helps you know all of this, provided that the papers are prepared. Official documents requested by the concerned authorities.

Residence visa in the Emirates: Types and costs

The UAE has facilitated the procedures and conditions for establishing various projects on its territory. But at the same time licenses must be obtained that are specific to the type of work practiced.

Investors are also entitled to reside there according to the type of visa they obtained. And these visas vary between golden residency, green visa, and others.

Each visa differs from others in terms of duration, conditions, and resulting privileges. Among the most prominent residence visas available in the UAE are the following:

Green residence visa

This type of visa was introduced in 2021, and it is one of the most important types. That gives its holder some exclusive rights and benefits.

The right to reside in the country for a period of up to 5 years without the need for a guarantor, host or guarantor comes at the forefront of these privileges.

You can also renew it after the expiration of its validity period with ease through Tasyeir business company. Which has a work team that includes an elite group of legal advisors and engineers.

However, the UAE government has set some conditions that stipulate. That this visa is granted to some categories and not others. They are as follows:

  • Self-employed or private workers: In this case, the individual must obtain a bachelor’s degree from his country or from the Emirates itself. And he must also obtain a work permit from the Ministry of Human Resources there.
  • Skilled workers: This requires that the worker obtain a work permit under a contract and be among the skilled workers in the first. Second and third levels, and their income must not be less than 15,000 UAE dirhams.

Regular work visa

In continuation of the topic of the residence visa in the Emirates, its types and costs. This visa is one of the most important types that a foreigner must obtain in the country. It lasts up to two years in many cases, such as:

  • Working for an institution affiliated with the private or government sector.
  • As well as, working in a free zone.

In this case, you must contact one of the specialized companies that will help you complete the visa procedures that you wish to obtain, depending on your case.

Tasyeir business company considered the ideal choice for you. As it has sufficient tools, experience, and relationships to complete all these steps very quickly and at the lowest possible cost.

Golden residence visa

This visa represents the most important and most prominent type among all other types. As it is not granted to anyone who practices business in the Emirates. But is given to certain categories and not others.

The most important of these categories are scholars, investors, entrepreneurs, and talented people. Its term is up to 10 years and is automatically renewed, not to mention that it does not require paying any fees.

Although the types and costs of the residence visa in the Emirates may be similar in some matters. The benefits granted to holders of this visa differ from others.

The most prominent of these privileges are the following:

  • Possibility of obtaining a visa for 6 months upon completion of all residence procedures.
  • There is no need for a guarantor or guarantor within the country.
  • As well as, freedom to stay outside the UAE for 6 months.
  • Freedom to issue residence permits for family members such as children and spouse.
  • Labor can be recruited in any number, without a maximum limit for this number.
  • Family members enjoy the same privileges throughout the validity period of the visa in the event of the client’s death.

Emirates residency, how much does it cost?

The cost of living in the UAE varies depending on the type of visa you must obtain. And the nature of the life you live varies from one person to another.

But in all cases, you can rely on Tasyeir business company. That facilitates all of this for you at the lowest costs and in the fastest possible time.

What are the types of residency in Dubai?

There are many types of accommodation in Dubai, such as:

  • Golden residency, which lasts up to 5 or 10 years.
  • Residency for retired expatriates.
  • As well as, residence for regular work.
  • Accommodation of investors.
  • As well as, residence of family members.

In conclusion, the types and costs of residence visas in the Emirates are easy to identify and obtain with the Tasyeir business company, which has gained the trust of thousands of customers around the world due to its work team with sufficient knowledge of everything that is going on in this field.

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