Dubai has become one of the tourist and investment destinations in a short period, not only in the Arab world, but in the entire world, as it has provided many advantages and facilities to all investors, whether from the home country or foreigners. Therefore, the steps to establish a company in Dubai in three days are among the most important things that everyone is looking for. Entrepreneurs, therefore Tasyeir business Company was keen to facilitate all procedures for opening a company there through legal means without facing any obstacles.

Establishing a company in Dubai in three days

Opening any type of company in Dubai is no longer a difficult matter. As the country has provided a large number of free zones to facilitate investment in various commercial and economic fields.

The Emirate of Dubai in particular has become one of the most important hubs for mega projects. Whether by citizens or foreigners, thanks to the tremendous boom it is witnessing in all fields.

In a short period of time, it has become an essential home for a huge number of economic establishments of all sizes and types. As the concerned parties have a clear, ideal vision for transforming ideas into practical, professional applications.

Not to mention its continuous encouragement of investors to conduct business within the Emirates in general and in the Emirate of Dubai in particular.

But this does not happen randomly. Rather, it requires a number of procedures. Just as any entrepreneur needs a company specialized in that field to complete all these steps.

There is nothing better than Tasyeir business company, thanks to its elite group of senior legal advisors. As well as its knowledge of all the events regarding the steps to establish a company in Dubai in three days.

As for these steps, they are as follows:

Determine the type of business activities

The investor does not open his own company without specifying the nature of the economic activity. That he wishes to engage in and that will help him achieve the desired success.

Therefore, this step is one of the most important steps. As the type of activity is recorded in the official licensing papers, taking into account that any change in the nature of this activity requires changing it in the official papers as well.

Tasyeir business company helps you choose your business activity. That suits your experience on the one hand and according to the need of the labor market on the other hand.

Determine the company name

Choosing a commercial company name is one of the necessary priorities that helps your project spread, achieve a large percentage of profits on the one hand. And work in a legal manner on the other hand.

However, this process does not take place randomly, as the competent authorities have determined that a set of conditions must meet in the chosen company name, which are as follows:

  • It does not contain any phrases or words that are contrary to public taste or known etiquette.
  • It should not be the name of any company or other organization.
  • As well as, the name should not contain any political expressions for or against.
  • It is also required that it does not contain any of the Most Beautiful Names of God.
  • As well as, the name is as brief as possible.

Set the company’s business location

The talk about establishing a company in Dubai in three days is not over yet. As determining the location of the company is one of the most important  establishment procedures.

The location must be compatible with the nature of the economic activity practiced within the company. And it is also required to choose a work team that is commensurate with its size, whether large or small.

It is also required that the licenses to establish your company contain its name, location and activity, and any change therein requires a change in its official papers.

Obtaining the necessary licenses

The relevant authorities in Dubai stated that no investor can start his commercial activity or establish a company. Regardless of its type or size, without obtaining the necessary licenses.

This is so that the framework works legally. Examples of these licenses include the trade license and residence visa.

It also imposed some fees or costs that must be paid, which vary according to the nature of the activity in each company as well as the circumstances surrounding it.

Through a management company, you can complete all these steps in the shortest time at the lowest possible cost. As all of these procedures do not exceed only three days.

Open a bank account

A bank account must be opened for every individual who agrees for establishing a company in Dubai  in three days to make and receive payments in a legal manner.

This is one of the important steps that the work team at Tasyeir business Company can implement in a short time thanks to its extensive experience in this field.

How much does it cost to start a company in Dubai?

In continuation of the topic of establishing a company in Dubai in three days. The costs paid by investors depend primarily on the size of the company and the nature of the activity.

It is necessary to take some criteria into consideration while thinking about the cost of opening a company, which are as follows:

  • Worker sponsorship fees and employee declarations.
  • As well as, the cost of issuing various licenses.
  • The amounts paid while choosing the company’s location.
  • As well as, Calculating workers’ wages and salaries.
  • Equipment costs, which include equipment, devices and tools that the company cannot do without.

What are the types of companies in Dubai?

There are many types of companies in Dubai, including the following:

  • Public and private joint stock companies.
  • As well as, limited liability companies.
  • Partnership companies.
  • Limited partnership companies.

Regardless of the type of institution or the nature of its activity. All licenses, conditions and costs previously mentioned must be met.

Your ideal destination Tasyeir business company

Choosing a specialized company to facilitate the procedures for establishing a company in Dubai in three days has become a necessary priority for all investors. Especially those who do not have sufficient experience in doing so.

Tasyeir business company is one of the best specialized companies. That can carry out all the steps and procedures in the shortest time and lowest cost in the markets.

The real reason behind this is the presence of a group of consultants and engineers with decades of experience and close relationships with officials there.

Its work team is also fully aware of everything going on in Dubai. Including the nature of the labor market and its need for certain projects and not others.

In conclusion, Tasyeir business Company facilitates for you all the steps of establishing a company in Dubai in three steps. All you have to do is provide only the required official papers and leave the rest to Tasyeir business Company to take on your behalf in all the steps and procedures so that the work is within a legal framework and you are not exposed to any obstacles or financial fines.

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